
Dressing detox : in the cabinet of a corporate pen


C & rsquo; is the story of a corporate pen, me, Karin, which crosses the path of Private stylist. Result : a wardrobe detox home quickfire. No jacket reversal, but three hours of hard work, and certainly many beautiful looks set.

Dressing detox : or how to put his wardrobe to diet !

My profession is to be creative for my clients and as rigorous and organized. So my need is to look professional, credible, generate confidence.

Using the services of Pascale LEULIET, private stylist, it is the will to me out relative to the other so that we "see" my personality. Its offer appealed to me right away : le course "sartorial signature", You Dressing detox, Personal shopping au Look book personnel.

Dressing detox, or closet commotion !

A Dressing detox, it does not just happen. the day before, I transfer my closet was, to engage the winter session. I tidy, as always my business by garment category ! And I find that there are tons. So I decide to remove some. I really want to have a minimum choice.

My greatest need is to appear active, original and trendy ! Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q : I had a crush on almost all the pieces offered, “I called on Pascale during a professional retraining.

I needed to rework my image and feel confident to take on a new challenge ? The, colorimetry and morphology session prior to shopping “Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q”, et ranger autrement mes affaires.

Pascale a eu le chic pour choisir directement des assemblages de tenues professionnelles. A partir d’une veste et d’un pantalon. Mon rêve ? Peu de pièces, mais belles et qui me vont. Elle sait déjà qui je suis à travers le questionnaire que j’ai rempli pour elle. Elle connait déjà mes goûts et mes envies.


Dressing detox par Fashion Lab


Ensuite, opération optimisation du dressing.

Comme les enfants (et comme tout le monde je crois), Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q. I had a crush on almost all the pieces offered : “I called on Pascale during a professional retraining, I needed to rework my image and feel confident to take on a new challenge, The, colorimetry and morphology session prior to shopping. Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q, everything is clear, I see, and for the first time, how I kept some to work, exit, stay at home.

She was able to find solutions and efficient. Result : good extracted stack of coins as inappropriate, dated or outdated, but finally the dressing room is uncluttered. He finally breathe and I also breathe.

Le plus dur : the break with certain colors.

Ah beliefs… From finance-IT-bank sphere, I thought black gave serious, que le gris faisait corporate. Mais ça, c’était il y a 20 years old”, m’a dit Pascale ! Furthermore, ces couleurs ne me vont pas. Et quand j’y pense, enfant et ado, je portais tout le temps du bleu et beaucoup de bleu marine. Indeed, c’était ma couleur préférée pour les manteaux, We opt for models in line with the style of the wardrobe, and pants. So why did I turn black like a young adult, I don't know. The fashion, the desire to hide myself too, no doubt.

So say goodbye to my black jacket with white pinstripe Ralf Lauren Denim was hard, to hide nothing from you.

Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q, I had a crush on almost all the pieces offered, “I called on Pascale during a professional retraining, I needed to rework my image and feel confident to take on a new challenge, The !

colorimetry and morphology session prior to shopping Pshopping colorimetrie LS Q, yet so comfortable.

Here is one of the looks composed by Pascale. My Betty Janis scarf that I had forgotten in the bottom of my drawer, a greige velvet jacket, a small pale pink top, the black stocking, high heels and presto ! I wore this outfit to co-host a workshop and it was very popular.



Seeing yourself in the mirror is a shock.

Pascale advised me to buy a mirror-psyche, to see me on foot, and where to place it in my morning journey. Good advice, especially as I checked my appearance in my large room mirror room which cut my silhouette in two (sometimes it's stupid !).

New combinations of colors and shapes.

A striking point is that bombers set of floral fabric with a striped top ! The bottom ? The black pants are accepted, but no matter what form, fluid, but right, « flare ». This will be my signature, print somewhat flashy and scarves, she wisely advised me.


Dressing detox chez Stylka par Fashion Lab


"Shoulder Less, more roundness and therefore more smoothly for you Karin ", dixit Pascale.


The style, a set.

I also changed haircut, with a half more structured long cut, and putting the volume around my shoulders. The hair up making "A small head look". I still thought the hair attached and statements were a sign of seriousness ! Another belief ago 20 years old.

My new trends :

I followed the advice Fashion Lab for my photo shoot with Studio Waooimage (see photo of illustration of the article).


A successful detox Dressing : my closet smiles !

  • I find my lovely dressing. Practical and functional. It becomes central in the morning when I opened both doors !
  • I feel better because I begin to identify the elements of my 'signature'. I also know what parts I need to buy to complete my outfits.
  • I make peace with myself for this detox. I feel relieved, and guilty to part with some clothes. (The + : Pascale will give me the contact details of associations to help women find jobs. I know where my black jackets will go).
  • I have more confidence in me. And I am pleased to have this intelligently recycled dressing room which was full of good parts made. The lack of time and capacity to store made me unable to do so.


Pascale thank you for this moment as friendly as professional, and more useful than I thought. My vision of dressing is changed forever.

Karin Alexandra Heise, Corporate Feather, for SMEs, liberal and independent professions, on Paris, Ile-de-France.